A correct signal may be the only hope in times of danger. SOS signal is sent to save life in emergency situations. But how to send this signal? Let's find out how this emergency signal is sent in different situations…
Suppose you are lost in the sea. Or trapped in the thick forest. what to do In such a situation SOS signal may be your only hope of life.
When we are in danger, we shout 'Bachao Bachao'. If someone is in danger with a plane or helicopter, say 'Mayday'. It means 'help me' in French. But if you go out of Bangladesh and face danger, and shout 'Bachao Bachao', then no one may understand you. What to do then? An international signal is chosen to solve this problem. This signal is called SOS. Much like the English language. In all countries you can understand people by speaking English. SOS signals also help you in any country.
This signal has been used internationally since 1900. In the beginning, however, this signal was used to rescue ships. Gradually this signal reaches all countries. Because, this signal is very easy to remember and understand. Apart from fire smoke, torch light, sound, light signal from high places, this signal can be sent in various ways. Let's get familiar with those signals; Know when to use which signal in which situation.
use of fire
Preparedness is key in an emergency. What to do if lost in remote mountains, dense forests or unknown places? Can light a fire. Since ancient times, people have learned to light fire in various ways. It is quite effective way. By lighting a fire, rescuers can easily reach the missing person. However, there are some important points to keep in mind while using this method. Along with following the safety rules, there are some other things to keep in mind.
First you have to select a fairly open place by observing the surrounding area. Sufficient dry wood or dry leaves should be collected to light the fire overnight. So that the fire can be seen from a distance even at night. The area around the fire should be cleaned so that the fire does not spread uncontrollably. And for help in daylight, you can write SOS or HELP as big as possible with wood or stone next to the fire.
Use of smoke
Smoke can be used to avoid danger. For that you can light fire in three places in a row. Or light the fire so that it looks like a triangle from a distance. Flames cannot be seen from a distance in daylight. In this situation, you can use the dark smoke of fire. This smoke can be seen from far away. In that case, however, the wind must be favorable.
The higher the smoke rises, the farther it will be seen. Help signals will also be easier to reach to rescuers. The fire should be lit in such a place that the smoke does not get trapped in the forest vegetation. So the fire should be lit in an empty place as much as possible. Green leaves should be put on the fire as the rescuers approach by helicopter. It will produce thick white smoke from the fire. Care should be taken while extinguishing the fire after the rescue operation is over. Care should be taken so that accidents like fire do not occur.
Use flashlight
You can also send signals with the help of flashlight in case of emergency in the darkness of night. For this, the flashlight must first be turned on and off three times quickly. Then three times more slowly than before. Then turn it on and off three times quickly. Fast means less than a second. And slow means more than a second. In fact, it is also a type of Morse code.
Using Morse Code
Let's say you went to the forest in a group. Suddenly saw you alone. No one else is around you. What to do in such a situation? Morse code can be used in such situations. For that you can send SOS signal by hitting a stick or pipe on a door, window or wall. First three times fast, then three times slowly, and again three times fast. The signal will be something like: (..._ _ _ ...). Here the first three dots represent the 'S' of SOS, three dashes represent the 'O' and three more dots represent the last 'S'.
Use of mirrors
The most effective way to attract the attention of a distant ship, boat or aircraft is to send an SOS signal by reflecting sunlight. The light should be reflected first three times briefly, then three times long and finally three times briefly again. This method is called heliography. Ancient Greece used heliography to communicate. If the weather is favorable, the signal can be seen from a distance of about 32 miles. If you don't have a mirror handy, broken glass bottles, tins, foil paper, or objects that sparkle in the sun can also be used.
Using flares
Flare can be different. Flair Gun is familiar to us. In addition, there are distress flares that work like fireworks. But whichever one you want to use, you have to take it with you in advance. They are also used to send emergency signals. As they ascend, they emit red light and smoke. These lights and smoke are easily seen from aircraft or ships. A flare burns for 40 seconds. Apart from helping in rescue operations, flares can also be used to save from wild animals. Animals are afraid of bright red light.
Use of flags
In case of emergency, if you have brightly colored cloth or plastic, tie it to a long stick and make it like a flag to call for help. Lati can be tied to high branches or buried in the ground. After the work of tying the flag, you can rest in a safe place. If there is a helper around, they will rescue you at the sight of the flag.
Asking for help by waving hands and feet
In times of danger, you can communicate your condition to a distant person by waving your hands and feet. However, how effective this signal will be depends on how far you are from the rescuer.