What is monkeypox and why?

 Advent in Africa. Now it is the name of fear all over the world. Monkeypox. But not panic, awareness is needed. Why does monkeypox happen? What should be done?

The disease caused by monkeypox virus is called monkeypox

After 2022, monkeypox came back into discussion in 2024. In mid-August, the World Health Organization issued a public health emergency of international concern over monkeypox. Although outbreaks have occurred in the Congo and a few African countries, this year monkeypox has been seen in countries ranging from the United States to Pakistan. Monkeypox has been detected in a total of 120 countries so far.

Monkeypox was first mentioned in 1958. It was named 'monkeypox' because this virus was found in the body of monkeys kept in a laboratory in Denmark. Although named monkeypox, it was originally found in rodents and non-human primates (such as monkeys). It was first identified in humans in the 1970s; In the body of a 9-month-old child in Congo, Africa. In 2003, scientists in the United States believe that the virus was spread through animals imported into the United States. In 2022-23, a global outbreak occurred in the United States, Europe, and many other regions, leaving scientists reeling.

So far 21 thousand 148 people have been diagnosed with monkeypox around the world 

What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox virus is a member of the orthopoxvirus family. Although similar in name, it is not related to our familiar chicken pox; Rather, it is more similar to smallpox or smallpox. Close relatives of this virus belonging to the Poxveridae family are variola (which caused smallpox), cowpox, etc. There are two clades of monkeypox—clade1 and clade2. These two again have two subclades named 1A and B, 2A and B. The 2022 outbreak occurred with subclade 2B. Those identified outside of Africa in 2024 are mainly subclade 1b. It is a zoonotic disease, meaning it has come from animals to humans. Animals such as monkeys, rabbits, squirrels, mice are reservoirs of this virus. Animal-to-human transmission is attributed to bites, hunting animals other than ticks, contact during skin-to-skin contact, closeness during sports with animals, and sometimes eating animals.

How does it spread from person to person? Most cases are through close contact, use of personal belongings used by others and sexual intercourse. The unborn child can also be infected from the pregnant mother.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo and some African countries where monkeypox is endemic, the death rate among people infected with HIV has almost doubled. And malnourished children are also at risk of death.

What happens when you get monkeypox?

The disease caused by monkeypox virus is called monkeypox. It is slightly different from common pox. Symptoms usually appear within a week of the virus entering the body. These are fever, headache, skin rash all over the body, sore throat, muscle pain, back pain or spine pain, fatigue, lethargy. A significant symptom with this is the swelling of lymph nodes or lymph glands in various parts of the body. Sometimes fever precedes, sometimes rash. The rash first starts on the face. It then spreads throughout the body, possibly even to the palms of the hands and feet. At first it looks like a normal rash but gradually water accumulates inside it or it becomes like a blister. Then it gradually dries up. There may be itching or burning. As long as the rash remains, the disease can be transmitted from one infected person to another.

Monkeypox virus is a member of the orthopoxvirus family

The question is, is monkeypox fatal or dangerous? It is difficult to answer this question right now. Because, the Center for Disease Control says, the genetic mutation of the virus is happening every year, changing its character. Although not so deadly at the moment, what will happen in the near future, cannot be said right now. In addition, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and some African countries where monkeypox is endemic, the death rate among people infected with HIV has almost doubled. And malnourished children are also at risk of death. People with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly, children or pregnant women, and people with long-term illnesses, can be at risk of monkeypox. Most cases and like ten viral diseases get better on their own, but complications can occur in some cases. For example, bacterial infection and boils from skin rash, vision loss due to corneal infection, pneumonia, sepsis, encephalitis, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration from it, myocarditis or inflammation of the heart, proctitis or inflammation of the colon, inflammation of the urinary system, etc.

One of the differences with chickenpox is that in monkeypox, the lymph nodes swell and the skin rashes are deeper and more severe. Viral DNA can be detected by PCR or polymerase chain reaction.

How to identify, what will be the treatment

Monkeypox is diagnosed mainly by symptoms. The symptoms of this disease can be similar to those of chickenpox, herpes, scabies, measles, allergic diseases, etc. The disease can be identified if the rash is carefully observed after taking the history. One of the differences with chickenpox is that in monkeypox, the lymph nodes swell and the skin rashes are deeper and more severe. Viral DNA can be detected by PCR or polymerase chain reaction. However, the use of this test is not yet widespread. This test should be done by taking a sample from the fluid of the skin rash.

However, there is no treatment for this disease apart from symptom-based treatment. Medicines for fever and itching, skin care, and care to avoid complications are the mainstays of treatment. Most patients recover within two to four weeks. What to do at this time -

  • Isolation is essential. Because the virus continues to spread until the skin rash is completely healed. Children should not be sent to school during this time.
  • Do not touch the skin. Hands must be washed with soap or sanitized with hand sanitizer. This is because the virus will spread to others by touching clothes, towels, sheets, doorknobs or other objects.
  • A mask should be worn when around other people.
  • Keep the skin dry. Better to keep it open. Light and air should be in such a room.
  • If there is a sore or rash on the mouth, gargle with lukewarm salt water. It is best to take a daily bath in lukewarm water with baking soda or Epsom salt. It will provide comfort and the sore will dry up quickly.
  • Rashes or sores should not be scratched with nails, as this increases the risk of bacterial infection.
  • Eat nutritious balanced food.

It is said to be taken within four days of exposure to an infected person. For now, this vaccination program is not being expanded except in some high-risk African countries.


There is still no universally available vaccine for monkeypox. The chickenpox vaccine does not work against this virus. Its vaccine is similar to smallpox or smallpox vaccine. But since smallpox has been eradicated from the world, this vaccine is no longer readily available. However, the World Health Organization recommends vaccination for high-risk individuals. These people are doctors or nurses who come into contact with monkeypox patients, relatives who come into contact with infected people, especially children, sex workers or people at risk who have sex with more than one person. It is said to be taken within four days of exposure to an infected person. For now, this vaccination program is not being expanded except in some high-risk African countries. So countries like ours need to focus on increased vigilance at airports and other ports, isolation of infected persons in case of suspicion and personal precautions.

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