The planet that rains glass

HD 1897 33B Satellite Image: NASA

The planet looks like Earth. Like a blue marble. At first glance, many may mistake it for Earth. But if you look carefully, you will understand that it is not actually the world. Then you can think, what is it like to come back from the planet? If you google it, you will know that it is about 63 light years away from Earth. This distance may kill the desire to go to aliens. Because the distance is not less! The distance that light travels in one year is called one light year. You must know that light travels 300,000 kilometers per second. As a result, it is difficult to calculate how many roads will be covered in one year. And 63 light years is even more difficult to figure out. This planet is just as far as light travels in 63 years.

But we resort to a little imagination. We all know that it is not possible to go to such a distant planet with the help of our current technology. So do not imagine? Let's spread the wings of imagination and visit that planet that looks like Earth. Let's say we invent a spaceship with technology that travels faster than light (though not actually possible, only imagined). Let's say, in just 7 days we can travel to a planet 63 light years away.

Our journey has begun. At the end of the 7 day journey I reached near the planet. Sitting in the spaceship, you will see that the planet is much bigger than the earth. Much like our giant planet Jupiter. And the planet orbits very close to its star. Much like Mercury. Scientists call such a planet Hot Jupiter. Hot Jupiters are basically exoplanets that are Jupiter-sized, gaseous in composition, and can orbit their star in very short days (less than 10 days like Earth).

There is so much wind on the surface of the planet that it is difficult to stand still. The wind blows there at a speed of about 8,700 kilometers per hour.

From this point of view, our solar system's Jupiter or Jupiter is different. It is a gas giant but nowhere near the Sun. Rather, its location is far away from the sun. Saturn is also gaseous, but it is farther from the Sun.

Anyway, our destination planet is such a hot Jupiter. And because it rotates very close to its star, its temperature is also abnormally high. About 1 thousand 200 degrees Celsius. The average temperature of the earth is only 15 degrees Celsius. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Its average temperature is 465 degrees Celsius. Compared to these, the temperature of our destination-planet is much higher. But we don't want to stop there. Assuming we have a spacesuit powerful enough to land on that planet. As a result, there was no obstacle to land on the planet.

Defeating all odds, we landed on a planet as beautiful as Earth. I don't even feel a drop of temperature. But another new danger has been imported. There is so much wind on the surface of the planet that it is difficult to stand still. The wind blows there at a speed of about 8,700 kilometers per hour. Thinking about whether to get off the boat in such a wind. It doesn't hurt that it's a flagship of cutting-edge technology. When you are thinking whether to get out of the boat or not, it started raining. But one? Where are the raindrops? It is raining glass rain! He sat and saw the beauty for a while. But such beauty can be seen only from Navojana. Spacesuits can be destroyed by splashes of glass when outside. On top of that strong wind! And dare to set foot on the surface of the beautiful planet?

HD 1897 33B Satellite Image

This is the beautiful but terrible planet that I fancied for so long, its name is HD 1897 33b. Beautiful looking but very dangerous planet. If you want it can be called a beautiful planet!

This exoplanet or extrasolar planet was discovered on October 5, 2005 by French astronomers. 11.2 times heavier than Jupiter and 11.4 times the radius of this planet. The planet revolves around its host star at a speed of 152 kilometers per hour. As a result, the planet takes 2.2 days to orbit the star once. It is the closest hot Jupiter planet to Earth.

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