There is no opportunity to underestimate the tongue. It is more applicable to humans. There is no substitute for the tongue for tasting. Swallowing food is also necessary. Apart from that, it is not possible to speak without this organ. Apart from humans, other animals of the animal kingdom do not speak but use their tongues for tasting and swallowing food. Some animals do more with their tongues! Some animals have tongues so unique that the animal can be identified by its tongue alone without looking at it. Let's know about 7 such animals.
1. the giraffe
What do you do when your eyes or mouth itch? He took the hair with his hand. But the giraffe itches with its tongue—or rather, licks it! Their tongue is about 53 cm long. In terms of height, the tongue of the tallest living creature in the world is dark purple. In fact, the color produced by mixing purple, blue and black is the color of a giraffe's tongue. The tongue of the animal is so long that with the help of this organ they also clean the ears.
2. swallow monster
Looks like a gharial or small crocodile. Name, Gila Demon. The scientific name is Heloderma suspectum. The tip of their tongue is cut like a horse's or cow's hoof. With the help of the tongue they can smell from the air. These lizards stick out their tongue repeatedly when they are hungry. This allows them to detect small animals such as frogs, lizards, mice or insects around. Then, with the help of the tongue, he grabs it.
3. Pangolin
The pangolin is known as the world's only scaly mammal. Like the animal, their tongue is also very strange. However, their tongues are not as wide as giraffes or Gila monsters, but very narrow. The tongue protrudes from the lower part of the mouth. A pangolin's tongue can be about 40 centimeters long.
4. sun bear
According to Guinness World Records, the sun bear's tongue is 25 cm long. Their tongue color is pink. With the help of this tongue, they can steal honey from the hive. For this reason, they are also called honey bears. The animal's scientific name is Helarctos malayanus.
5. the hippopotamus
According to National Geographic, there are many mysteries surrounding the history of the hippopotamus. Their giant tongues are no exception. In 2010, researchers conducted some experiments on hippos. At that time, the tongue length of an old and a baby hippopotamus was measured. The results of that test were published in The Anatomical Journal. It is said that the 49-year-old female hippopotamus had a tongue length of 60 cm. And a 4-year-old male hippopotamus had a tongue length of 45 cm.
6. Penguin
Penguin's tongue is quite strange. Looks like a brush. The upper layer of the tongue is similar to the bristles of a toothbrush. The penguin's tongue does not have test buds, but has many brussels. These strands are fibrous proteins that make up human hair and nails. According to Smithsonian Magazine, this bracelet helps penguins catch fish.
7. Cymothoa exigua
This fish tongue is not real. A parasite lives in the tongue. It's quite strange. There is a kind of parasite, which enters through the gills of this fish. The parasite then clamps down on the fish's tongue with its seven pairs of legs. The tongue gradually dries up. And the parasite occupies the place of the tongue.