Various types of radiation come out from laptop or computer. Many think that these radiations are harmful to our body. Is it really so?
A proof-sized room that once housed a computer. That huge computer has now taken place on your lap. Means on the lap. That is why its name is laptop. It is now a favorite object of users just like a beloved pet. However, many are not afraid. Some suspect that laptops emit harmful radiation. They may be harmful to the body. Whether this is true or not, let's find out.
There is nothing wrong with laptops emitting radiation. Not just one or two, but several. Firstly, the visible light emitted from the laptop screen is also a type of radiation. This is called electromagnetic radiation. In the electromagnetic spectrum or electromagnetic spectrum, it has a frequency range of about 400 to 800 terahertz and a wavelength of about 400 to 700 nanometers [1 nanometer = 0.00000001 meter or 10-9 meters. More simply, one billionth or one billionth of 1 meter]. It is because of this radiation that we can see the laptop display.
Again, if the laptop is kept on for a while, its various parts including the battery become hot due to various reasons. Due to this, some kind of radiation is released. This is called infrared radiation. Ablohit or Abalal radiation in Bengali. Its frequency is 10 to 100 terahertz. And the wavelength is about 30 to 3 micrometers. This is called thermal or thermal discharge. We cannot see this radiation with our eyes.
All modern laptops now have WiFi antennas. This antenna is used for wireless communication. When Wi-Fi is turned on in your laptop, 5 GHz to 2.4 GHz electromagnetic radiation is emitted. This is called radio wave. It is on this wave that radio broadcasts are made. Its wavelength is about 60 mm to 124 mm.
Not only WiFi, but also cordless or wireless mouse and keyboard are quite popular now. Bluetooth technology is used to connect these two peripheral devices with the laptop. For that, about 2.4 GHz radiation is emitted from the Bluetooth antenna of the laptop. It is also a radio wave, with a wavelength of about 124 millimeters.
The above four types of radiation are mainly emitted from the laptop. Of course, some more radiation comes out of this device. They are low frequency electromagnetic radiation. These radio waves leak out from the electronic circuits inside the laptop. Atomic isotopes are also used in some parts of computers or laptops. Nuclear radiation is released due to their natural radioactive decay.
Naturally, the question arises, which of these radiations from the laptop is harmful, and which is not harmful?
As you can see, your laptop emits different types of radiation. But these radiations are of such low frequency and low intensity that they are not so harmful to the human body. Again, the radiation that comes out from the laptop is not unique. This means that they are not only emitted from laptops; Rather, we are constantly facing them in our daily life.
First let's talk about the visible light of the laptop screen. Objects that emit visible light naturally emit radiation. Because light itself is a form of radiation. Means Electro-Magnetic Radiation. These include candles, fires, light bulbs, televisions, mobile phones, laptop and desktop screens.
Now let's talk about infrared radiation. All objects emit thermal radiation. This is true for anything that is composed of atoms and has temperature. Theoretically, if the temperature of an object is absolute zero (minus 273 degrees Celsius), then no thermal radiation will be emitted from it. But in reality it is not possible to bring any object down to absolute zero temperature. So it is not surprising that all objects emit such radiation. Most of the radiation emitted by objects at temperatures comfortable for humans is infrared. Objects hotter than that can emit ultraviolet light in addition to visible light. Such visible light and infrared light are emitted from incandescent light bulbs. And infrared light is always coming out of your body. It can be detected by a special type of infrared detector. Again your home TV or AC remote also works using this light. (You can detect it with the camera of your mobile phone.) So there is nothing to worry about the infrared light of the laptop.
Devices that communicate or connect to other devices using electromagnetic waves include an antenna, laser or bulb emitting radio waves, infrared or visible radiation. These include WiFi and Bluetooth devices, walkie talkies, radios, ham radios, mobile or smart phones, television remotes and remote controlled toys. But this wave is also not harmful for us.
Almost all types of electronic circuits leak small amounts of low frequency radio waves. That is not unusual. Again, when an electric current passes through the twisted wire, a small amount of electromagnetic radiation is emitted. They are also not harmful to human body.
Most objects contain very small amounts of naturally occurring radioactive atoms. Due to the radioactive decay process of these unstable isotopes, a small amount of nuclear radiation is released. But there is nothing to worry about. Because the nuclear radiation emitted by most objects is usually very weak. Again they are part of background radiation. Your body also contains atoms that are radioactive. Incredibly, they are also emitting nuclear radiation right now. Radioactive radiation is also released from banana, a favorite food of many. But it is not enough to harm our body. Most of the radioactive atoms in the human body are actually unstable isotopes of carbon and potassium. On the other hand, potassium is also the source of banana radioactivity. (Nothing to fear, the amount of radioactivity in a banana is one millionth of a Sievert or 0.0001 millisievert. For more details, read Tribology and Banana Peels by Pradeep Dev).) So with this radiation too, no tension!
Then it can be concluded that the radiation coming out from the laptop is not harmful to humans. Some may raise the question, what are the harmful radiation for humans? The simple answer is high energy radiation. If you want to understand the matter well, you can take a good look at the electro-magnetic spectrum line. If you look at the left side of the picture, you will read radio waves first. Then infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and finally gamma rays.
Any radiation is either high energy or low energy. The reason for the high energy is that the energy of each particle of that radiation is very high. And the reason for low energy is that each particle has less or weaker energy. High-energy radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum includes ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. That is, the radiations on the right side of visible light are of high energy. In addition there is nuclear radiation (such as alpha, beta rays, neutron and proton radiation). The energy of each particle of these radiations is so high that it can break different types of chemical bonds. It can cause mutation, cancer and radiation related diseases. High energy particles can break or destroy any molecule. But still the human body must be exposed to enough radiation to cause harm. But that usually doesn't happen. That is why we are not harmed in this way despite the presence of various types of high energy particles (background radiation) naturally in the earth.
Radiation from the left of the electromagnetic spectrum to visible light is of low energy. But beware, even low energy radiation can sometimes become harmful. If low-energy particles gather in a small area in the form of a cluster or beam, that too can become high-energy radiation. Such as bright light bulbs and high-powered lasers. Such radiation is harmful to humans. So be careful.