As big as the dinosaurs were, they were not that old. Researchers have given surprising information about how long this huge animal lived. Earlier it was thought that it took many years for dinosaurs to get their body size. The animals grew up over a century or more. Dinosaurs grew slowly like crocodiles. But we now know that dinosaurs did not age like this. The body also did not get bigger gradually. They grow fast. And died at a fairly young age.
Researchers determine the age of dinosaur fossils by cutting their bones. Age can be determined by examining bones. Because dinosaurs, like trees, have a bone growth ring every year. By counting these rings, it is known that the T-Rex reached its full size at about 16 to 22 years. And died between 27 and 33 years of age.
From the fossils found so far, the world's largest dinosaur was Argentinosaurus. So named because its fossils were first found in Argentina. The fossil was found in 1988 by an oil miner. According to researchers, this species of dinosaur lived in Argentina, South America. Its length was 130-140 feet. Weight 77-110 tons.
Researchers determine the age of dinosaur fossils by cutting their bones. Age can be determined by examining bones. Because dinosaurs, like trees, have a bone growth ring every year. By counting these rings, it is known that the T-Rex reached its full size at about 16 to 22 years.
After finding that fossil, archaeologists dug more and found 150 fossils. The researchers believe that these fossils belong to a total of seven Argentinosaurus. This dinosaur from the Cretaceous period was the largest dinosaur that ever lived.
Among other dinosaurs, the group of giant toothed dinosaurs is Carcharodontosaurid. They lived from 39 to 53 years. Long-necked sauropods such as Brontosaurus and Diplodocus, possibly the world's largest dinosaurs, also had similar lifespans. Although some of these species lived a decade or two longer. They could probably live up to the age of 70.
The question may come, then how did the dinosaurs become extinct? Scientists believe that dinosaurs became extinct due to a huge meteorite from space.
A huge meteor came from space and hit the earth. It was about 6.6 million years ago. Traces of this impact can be seen in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. There is a huge ditch there. The name of this ditch is Chixulub ditch.
This is believed to have happened at least four other times in Earth's history. Scientists call these mass extinctions. Animals that could not adapt to these conditions died before the sky cleared.
When the meteor hits the Earth, it fills the atmosphere with dust. Much like when a giant explosion covers the surrounding area with dust. As a result, this huge hole is formed. The sky was covered with dust and sand spread around. As a result, sunlight could not reach the ground. Because of this, most of the plants and animals on earth died, the temperature dropped drastically. This is believed to have happened at least four other times in Earth's history. Scientists call these mass extinctions. Animals that could not adapt to these conditions died before the sky cleared. Scientists believe that this is how dinosaurs became extinct. This is the most likely idea so far, although it is not yet 100% confirmed. However, geologists have discovered this Chicxulub trench. Geological studies have shown that it was formed by a meteorite impact around the time of the extinction of the dinosaurs.