Is the color of blood red? Or maybe green or blue? No, I'm not talking about aliens. I am talking about people. Don't be surprised if the answer is 'yes'. In rare circumstances this may actually happen. I will discuss in this context. Before that, let's talk about blood.
Humans have known about blood since ancient times. In 1628, English physician William Harvey discovered blood circulation. In 1665, British physician Richard Lower tried the first blood transfusion. Transfusion means the transfer of blood from one animal to another. He is said to have saved a dog by transfusing blood from another dog's body.
In 1667, Jean-Baptiste Denis of France successfully transfused blood from sheep separately into a 15-year-old child and a pregnant woman. They survived the journey but suffered from severe anemia. Over the next 10 years, many such blood transfusions took place. But even if the patients survived immediately, almost all of them would die of terrible anemia. Therefore, this method of blood transfusion is prohibited by law.
In 1795, American physicist Philip Singh first transfused human blood. But he did not reveal this information then. So there is disagreement about the truth of this information. In 1900, the first human blood group was divided into three groups by the Austrian doctor Karl Landsteiner. The groups are A, B and C. Later, however, blood group C changed to 'O'. Then in 1902 two of Landstein's colleagues Alfred DeCastello and Adriano Sterli identified the 'AB' blood group. Landsteiner received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1930 for his discovery.
This time I ask a slightly strange question. Can people's blood group be changed? Generally, a person's blood type does not change. However, blood types can vary. This is a very rare occurrence. Changes in blood type are also related to other conditions. such as a bone-marrow transplant or certain types of leukemia or infection. But these changes in blood group are never permanent.
Now let's get back to that question. The color of all people's blood is red? Or can it be green for different people? The blood of a character named 'Hulk' in Hollywood movies is green. In fact, human blood can be any color other than red. When a molecule of hemoglobin changes its structure to include a sulfur atom, it becomes sulfohemoglobin. In this particular situation the color of the blood may change. Hemoglobin contains iron atoms to react with oxygen. Sulfur atoms in sulfohemoglobin prevent iron from reacting with oxygen and react with oxygen itself. As a result, the blood appears dark blue, green or black. It is a disease. But the treatment of sulphohemoglobinemia is very easy. Just wait. It's okay.
The lifespan of a red blood cell is about 120 days. Then the blood cells break down. The components are then reorganized. So within four months the red blood cells of any person containing sulphohemoglobin are fixed. Then the blood looks red again.