A new blood group was found

In 1972, doctors found a strange problem while testing a blood sample of a pregnant woman. They discovered that a surface protein molecule found on all red blood cells known at the time was mysteriously absent from this sample. After nearly 50 years, researchers from the UK and Israel have solved the mystery of the absence of this strange molecule. In this way, a new group of human blood was discovered!

You must have many questions in your mind. What is this group? What is surface protein? Absence of the new blood group relationship - or what! saying

We are all familiar with A, B, O and AB blood groups and the Rhesus factor (plus or minus) (read: Can blood group change). These are mainly related to the presence or absence of certain types of proteins and sugars in the blood. Based on this the blood group is different. These proteins and sugars coat our red blood cells. These proteins can be called surface proteins. The body uses these antigen (another name for protein) molecules. Among other functions, these molecules can distinguish themselves from potentially harmful molecules.

If these protein and sugar markers don't match during circulation, the body reacts as if they are foreign. normal This is because, due to unfamiliar proteins, human life-saving strategies can be destroyed. It can even be life threatening.

More than 99.9 percent of people have an antigen called ANWJ in their blood. This antigen was found in 1972 and was absent in the blood of pregnant women.

Most blood groups were identified in the early 20th century. Almost 50 years after this, recently in 2022, researchers first reported another new blood group called Er. This blood is found only in few people. The newly discovered blood group is very rare.

Hematologist Lewis Tilley of the UK's National Health Service has researched this blood group for 20 years. According to him, it is a huge achievement. It is the result of a team effort over a long period of time. With the discovery of this new blood group, we will be able to serve these rare blood patients. He further said, "It was not easy to discover this blood group. Because, this genetic event is very rare.

Previous studies have shown that more than 99.9 percent of people have an antigen called AnWj (ANWJ positive) in their blood. This antigen was found in 1972 and was absent in the blood of pregnant women. The presence of these antigens depends on myelin and lymphocyte proteins. So the researchers call this newly discovered blood group MAL. It is the 44th blood type found.

A person's blood type is AnWj-negative if they have mutations or altered copies of two proteins—myelin and lymphocytes—in their blood. Tilley and his team identified three patients with this rare blood type who did not have the mutation.

University of the West of England cytologist Tim Satchwell. "MAL is a very small protein with some interesting properties," he said. These make blood group identification difficult. That is, many searches have to be done to determine this blood group.

All of the ANWJ-negative patients who participated in the study had the same mutation. However, this mutation has not been associated with any other cell abnormalities or diseases.

A decade later, researchers inserted normal MAL genes into patients' blood cells to confirm whether the patients' blood contained the correct gene. It was ANWJ negative. This test worked. The MAL gene in cells is able to deliver antigens to ANWJ.

MAL protein stabilizes cell membranes. Previous studies have shown that ANWJ do not actually exist in newborns. But it is created after birth.

Interestingly, all of the ANWJ negative patients who participated in the study had the same mutation. However, this mutation has not been associated with any other cell abnormalities or diseases.

Now researchers are identifying the genetic markers behind MAL mutations. Trying to find out if patients have inherited negative MAL blood type. Again, whether any blood disease suppresses this antigen or not, is also being tested. Many other diseases can also be detected with the help of this research.

This rare blood type can have serious effects on patients during blood transfusions. So the more you know about this group, the more life will be saved.

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